Narrow Niche Launch Secrets / cat's Behaviour
Our client Vitaliya is a brilliant animal behaviourist with mesmerizing abilities to deal with pets. Animals start running to her as soon as they see her, and it seems like she is a real-life Snow White.
She was planning to launch her cat training marathon and had a conversation about it with one of our team members.
We could not believe it was possible to train cats! But it turned out that cats are able to learn a lot of commands and practically reach a new level of interaction with their owners. It makes both parties really happy!
Vitaliya: “Guys, 99% of people who say their cat is dumb are dumb themselves. They simply lack the knowledge to understand their little pet. That’s why my marathon can make a difference for many families with cats. Let’s launch it together!”
And that’s how we started the preparation, crossing out the first objection from our list.